Welcome to Hickory Homestead!

Welcome! I am truly honored that you are here taking a peek around my website. Starting a new venture and opening yourself up to the world is nerve wrecking. Will people think I’m crazy? Am I just wasting my time? Will they even want to buy our meat? But I have to move past the fear and to why I feel called to start this business.

Sometime it feels like the world is so removed from agriculture that we really have no idea how things work. It seems that a good portion of the public thinks that food just appears in the grocery store or that Amazon is the origination point of just about everything. I want that to change. I want our God to get the credit He deserves for creation, to create a community of neighbors who know their farmer and know where their food comes from.

Maybe I am being over nostalgic, but the good ol’ days call to me. However I do know that God placed me in 2023 for a reason. I’m meant to understand and use technology for His glory. I believe that we can recreate the days past around the table and around a blog post. Just because we might not ever meet IRL (look how hip I am), we can create a community through education and entertainment. And if you never buy a piece of meat from us, I hope that you will be in awe of how much God loves you and maybe just stick around for the recipes I will share. We are a people created for connection so let’s connect!

Thanks for stopping by friends. Talk soon!


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