1# Ground Beef
This is your kitchen workhorse. Economical and user friendly. Use it for hamburgers, sloppy joes, taverns, meatballs and tacos. Don’t forget spaghetti sauce and so many kinds of casseroles!
Our mix is usually kept to 85% lean and sourced from one animal. This is a big deal as ground beef from the grocery stores contain hundreds of animals and many parts in just one tube. Not here! Sold in one-pound tubes.
This is your kitchen workhorse. Economical and user friendly. Use it for hamburgers, sloppy joes, taverns, meatballs and tacos. Don’t forget spaghetti sauce and so many kinds of casseroles!
Our mix is usually kept to 85% lean and sourced from one animal. This is a big deal as ground beef from the grocery stores contain hundreds of animals and many parts in just one tube. Not here! Sold in one-pound tubes.
This is your kitchen workhorse. Economical and user friendly. Use it for hamburgers, sloppy joes, taverns, meatballs and tacos. Don’t forget spaghetti sauce and so many kinds of casseroles!
Our mix is usually kept to 85% lean and sourced from one animal. This is a big deal as ground beef from the grocery stores contain hundreds of animals and many parts in just one tube. Not here! Sold in one-pound tubes.